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Showing posts from July, 2010

Subscribe to "Thoughts From Munich"

No incisive political or cultural analysis this time, no typical Webber humor - just take a look over at the left side of the page. There's a new gadget there; if you enter your email address you'll be notified any time I publish something new (a few of my trusty readers already get a mail, because I added your address to a list by hand). I promise you won't be spammed (at least not by me), unless you consider my writings to be spam - but in that case you're probably not reading this.  Go ahead, add yourself to the list, share this with your friends (and enemies).

The president of Germany

On June 30th Germany elected a new federal president (Bundespräsident in German). The 10th federal president of Germany is now Christian Wulff, 51, until now the prime minister of Lower Saxony, a German state. Christian Wulff is a member of the CDU (Christlich Demokratische Union). The media outside Germany have scarcely been aware of this event, yet it was accompanied by a great deal of drama in Germany. What happened? What's the role of the German president? Is there any wider significance? What does the German Federal President do? The German Federal President (I'll refer to the office as Bundespräsident from here out for simplicity) has a largely ceremonial office. Like the Queen of England, the Bundespräsident is the offical head of state. Like the Queen of England, most of his activities (there has not yet been a female Bundespräsident, who according to the rules of German grammar would be the Bundespräsidentin) are ceremonial - greeting foreign heads of state, giving...